Reviews of: The Casket Lottery

2 total reviews

The Casket Lottery

The Door
No Sleep (2012)

There was definitely a time a few years back (or ten if you are keeping score) where I followed (along with my wife) The Casket Lottery around the middle Atlantic states like some people followed (or even still do I guess) The Grateful Dead; during that time, we devoured every note that the three piece outfit saw fit to release … Read more

The Casket Lottery

Real Fear
No Sleep (2012)

When bands you adore get back together after breaking up or reconvene following a hiatus, there is both a sense of excitement and a feeling of trepidation as the band members become reacquainted with each other (moods, skills, shared synapses, seeming simpatico, etc) behind the scenes, and there is always this standard (whether fair or not) that the band’s previous … Read more