Reviews of albums released on: Independent

407 total reviews — Page 19 of 23

The Bootstrap Boys

New Beginnings
Independent (2021)

The Bootstrap Boys are a four piece outlaw country band from Grand Rapids, MI. I fucking hate country music with a passion that can't be put into words. I hate that somewhere around 2007, damn near every punk friend I had were listening to Johnny goddamn Cash and Waylon fuckhead Jennings. Jocks, preps, and rednecks were our sworn enemies and somehow … Read more

The Carvels NYC

Everything With You Is A Travesty EP
Independent (2018)

Let me tell you something about reviewing and how it is decided what will get a review on here. Sometimes it is very straight forward: our dark overlord gives a direct order to review something. Luckily (for me at least) life is keeping him too busy to that stuff too often. That’s when I get to browse through the seemingly … Read more

The Carvels NYC

I Want You Around b/w My Little Troll
Independent (2021)

The Carvels NYC released a little single for the holiday season. I know that the season is already over, but this single still deserves to get a little attention from you. So pay attention! On the A-side of this single we find “I Want You Around”. The name might sound familiar. This is a cover of one of their influences: The … Read more

The Carvels NYC

In Real Life b/w Feelin’ Stabby
Independent (2021)

The Carvels NYC still exist! And from what I heard it is only thanks to perseverance from their side. Like so many others the band saw plans fall apart due to Covid. They gave that a positive twist with Live At The Cutting Room. Unfortunately more disappointments followed. I can only admire a band that isn’t willing to throw in the … Read more

The Carvels NYC

Life Is Not A Waiting Room EP
Independent (2019)

Is artwork an important part of a record? I tend to think so. I am bit old-school and like to listen to a record with the cover in my hand looking at the artwork or reading along with the lyrics. The Carvels NYC must feel the same. Their previous EP Everything With You Is A Travesty had a real gem on the … Read more

The Clever References

Hamish's House
Independent (2022)

Some say Australia is a very nice place to spend your life, saying it's the safest place on earth with its protective system for its citizens. I know it's kind of dumb for thinking that any band that is from a more "wealthy place", like Australia, will always have its own privilege to get known wider around the globe though … Read more

The Cold Beat

Independent (2009)

Dumbwaiter is a decent enough EP from this Boston four-piece. The first track, "Watch and Ward" is the best one as it recalls a fuzzed out Pixies mixed with any catchy latter day Replacements songs. After "Watch and the Ward", The Cold Beat go through the motions of being your average indie/college rock bar band with their roots firmly planted … Read more

The Constellation Branch

The Dream Life, The Real Life, The Empty Glass
Independent (2008)

"To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub." Hamlet (III, i, 65-68) Man's relationship to his dreams has been the subject of his art forever. Nothing else seems so beyond our realm of control yet so integrally personal - it is us but outside of us. And so, myriad records have been made in reflection of that ponderous … Read more

The Curtis Mayflower

Everything Beautiful Is Under Attack
Independent (2014)

The first studio release from The Curtis Mayflower titled Everything Beautiful Is Under Attack is a combination of talent, great songwriting, and beautiful haunting melodies. This is what happens when you take five of the best musicians from the Central Massachusetts area and send them up to an old farmhouse in Maine to record an album in 24 hours. Done mostly in one take … Read more

The Dead Milkmen

The King In Yellow
Independent (2011)

Who would have thought that after 16 years The Dead Milkmen would release a new album? The band went their separate ways in 1995 and lost a member of The Dead Milkmen family in 2004 when ex-bassist, Dave Schulthise, took his own life. The remaining members went on to play tribute and benefit shows soon after. In 2008, the group … Read more

The Delicious

The Delicious
Independent (2008)

Recently signed to Joyful Noise Recordings, The Delicious is a Bloomington, Indiana quartet that just bug the shit out of me more with each subsequent listen. This super-fun-happy cuddle-core twaddle is not good. They want to be The Pixies. Bad. You can almost see that desperation stink wafting from every sad little note like a little green cloud floating from … Read more

The Dillinger Escape Plan

Independent (2006)

Some bands churn out albums like they have nothing better to do and some bands release an album every couple of years. The Dillinger Escape Plan is neither of these sorts of bands. They have an impressive tally of three albums in nine years. Yet in that same span of time the band have managed to release five EPs, including … Read more

The Farewell Reason

Independent (2005)

I'm going to start this one by saying that, with very few exceptions, I fuckin' hate metalcore. Has a genre ever spawned so many worthless, generic, formulaic, and uninspired bands? It's seriously riding pop-punk's ass right about now. Now, I don't always mind my hardcore with heavy metallic leanings; I can stand All Out War and Embrace Today, who at … Read more

The Great Whiskey Rebellion

The Whiskey Trail
Independent (2011)

When I first caught The Great Whiskey Rebellion live, I was immediately drawn to the amazing energy they bring to their live show. Bringing a Celtic and Americana fusion to the table this band can be counted on to bring a good time with them as well. The EP On The Whiskey Trail is an eight-song blend of both genres … Read more

The Heights

Drag Race On The Moon
Independent (2013)

Torontonians The Heights like Angels & Airwaves. They really, really like Angels & Airwaves, which is the most readily apparent characteristic of “Soldier”, the opening track on their Drag Race on the Moon EP. Thankfully there’s enough tweaking and little digressions on the rest of this EP that make it possible to recognise a distinct sound, but it doesn’t happen nearly as often … Read more

The Howleez

No Shame
Independent (2015)

Considering that the genre is and probably always will be associated with youth, it's worth noting that there are some more experienced players working in today's punk scene – and not just in “legacy acts” that play songs first recorded years if not decades ago. Count Gainesville, Florida quartet The Howleez among them. Singer Debra Fetzer, guitarist Hazel Levy, bassist … Read more

The Instigation

No Way Out EP
Independent (2014)

I feel like there are a million punk records named No Way Out, but I don’t really care because it’s one of those commonalities that makes punk music, well, punk. And staying within the vein of reiteration, there’s only so many ways to say that a band isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel; so I’ll just stick with that old adage here as well. Call me … Read more

The Johnson Report

The Johnson Report
Independent (2010)

During all of high school, Jen dated Zach. Jen was, hands down, the most beautiful girl in our year. Beyond that, she was extremely smart and cultured: she had been across Europe a couple of times and could tell you the capitals of all the provinces and states if she was asked. There wasn't a guy that I knew who … Read more